A Software Engineer located in NYC,
I specialize in backend development using Ruby/Rails
and modern frontend frameworks like React and Vue.js. I have a passion for building
Outside of tech, I'm also a musician 🎸 and martial artist 🤼.
Hassan Mccutchen
This project is a property management application that allows admin users to manage their properties, tenants,
and leases. Resident users can chat with the property manager and pay rent through the app
Tech: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, websockets, stimulus js, Stripe API
This project is designed to service bartenders/servers. Users are able to search for a restaurant they've
worked, and post a review based on criteria, users may also like another users post via tip/no tip and view
individual reviews for more information. Future development may intergrate job posting and live chat
Tech: Rails , Ruby, SQL, Yelp API, Vue.JS, Vanilla.js, Bootstrap & deployed using Heroku
Small Toy music app, utilizing Vue.js, web audio API and the use of CSS key frames to create minor
animations. Create music and record music, still in progress.
Tech: Vue.js, Web Audio API, deployed on Netlify: Music Toy